Tuesday, September 30, 2008

We Have Hope!

If you've been following my last few blog posts and my escapades in the crazy world of preschool picking, then you know my struggle. And we finally have hope! In the form of a Montessori Magnet school in Hartford. I've never considered this before, mostly because I didn't know there were any other free options. Of course, we have to be picked from the lottery in March in order to go, but at least it's something to hope for. Especially since I am so turned off by the other free option of my town's preschool. I could technically send Mateo to any preschool I like and have his speech services done at an outpatient clinic, but then I have to pay for the preschool and I'm trying to avoid that. Why pay for something you can get for free, right?

But I'm excited about this Montessori school option. I didn't know much about Montessori before this, aside from hearing the name and thinking it was another gimmick to make wealthy white parents believe their kids were getting a better education than public school. But in researching it further, I really think that Mateo would do well under this "philosophy" of teaching. And I like that it is child-led, natural learning, and academics aren't pushed onto our young children who really aren't ready to learn to read before kindergarten. I don't know who made up that new standard anyway. Seriously, do you remember knowing how to read and write in kindergarten? All I remember about kindergarten is finger painting, nap time, and recess. We didn't learn anything but how to play with other kids and be in a classroom half a day without peeing our pants.

Anyway, it sounds a whole lot better than all that NAECY accredited crap that other lady was talking about. Sorry if you like the NAECY program, but it's my blog and I can write what I want and I happen to hate it.

Plus, this Montessori program is in Hartford, which is an inner-city where there is a high population of minority families. So my son will not be in the minority at this school. And that makes me feel a lot more comfortable than the school in our mostly white small town. They don't have special ed services so we would have to take Mateo to an outpatient clinic, but that's not a big deal. And honestly, I feel like this isn't a problem because who would have more experience with issues that come with a child with Mateo's background? A small mostly white suburban town preschool you have to re mortgage your house to pay for or an inner city magnet school that's free and 50% of the lottery are kids from that city? I don't mean to discriminate, but statistics show that more people that live in an inner city are at or below the poverty line, and when there's stress about money, there's substance abuse, child abuse, deteriorating family situations, criminal activity, etc. The preschool in my town may have more book knowledge about learning disabilities than the magnet school, but what I'm more interested in, is the practical experience with kids like Mateo. He doesn't fit one disability or another. There is nothing in a book that will teach you how to work with him.

So pray or cross your fingers or send positive thoughts or whatever it is you do, that we get chosen by lottery for this school!!! The drawing isn't till March though. So we're on standby.


Mom to 2 Angels said...

Wow, so many free preschool options! I don't know of any where we live. I hope you get in the one that works best for M.

J-momma said...

well, the only reason the town's if free is because mateo qualifies for special ed services so they have to provide something for him for free.

JonesEthiopia said...

I've been keeping up with your past few posts.... My husband went to Montessori until he was in junior high (didn't go any older than 6th grade) and loved it. It was a perfect way for him to explore and learn, and he is very glad he had the chance to go to that type of school.

Irrational Dad said...

All this time I thought preschool was free. Crap. I guess I've still got a few years to worry about it, but I thought the only school related stuff I'd ever pay for was paper and pencils.