Saturday, July 18, 2009

And So it Begins...

Mateo has discovered his penis. As in, he knows it's called a penis and is obsessed with other people who may or may not have penises (or is it penisei?). He has not said the word "vagina" yet but I did tell him that girls have one instead of a penis. So it's coming. And so it begins....(dum dum dum).


Molly said...

welcome to that world! When I was little I used to say "and when I grow up. I'm gonna have a penis!" and my mom would say "no honey". my questions when we played guess who? "Does your guy have a penis!"


Rachel said...

That is hilarious. Elizabeth peeked in on my husband while he was taking a shower and she was horrified. She kept saying, "Daddy, are you okay?" over and over. To be honest, It was pretty funny.

mayhem said...

I've got two little boys (wait, not little! I mean young!). The penis comparison and admiration is the funniest thing about being the mom of two sons!

janiece said...

Oh yes--the boys are fascinated with their penis. Some of the stuff they do and say just makes me shake my head. Coming from an all girl household--its been interesting! Heaven help me (and you too) when we reach the locker room and teen years. According to my husband--that's when the fun really beings!

Melodie Monberg said...

Oh my, get ready....My almost five year old is in love with his! It's quite funny at times, very embarrassing at others!

Mommy K said...

My 15 month old just stared at his in the tub yesterday. He seemed worried. Like he didn't know why this thing was on him. It was quite funny.